Melbourne 24 Hour Plumbing

Everything You Need to Know About a Blocked Drain Melbourne

Draining systems ensure we have a healthy and clean environment for residency and work. However, since the systems are out of sight and work well most of the time, people tend to ignore them. Property owners rarely pay attention to a blocked drain Melbourne after the damage and forget that this attitude can lead to many problems including health and safety hazards. To mitigate such problems, everyone who owns a property should have basic knowledge of the causes of blocked drain Melbourne and pipes, prevention measures, and the steps to take when the inevitable happens.

Causes of Blocked Drain Melbourne

Blocked Drain Melbourne whether commercial or domestic suffer from similar blockage problems at one point or the other. The most common causes of the blocked drain Melbourne included large foreign objects since they are not designed to handle such. Some of them include:

– Baby wipes,
– Sanitary products,
– Toilet deodorant block holders,
– Twigs,
– Grease,
– Silt

The foreign matter finds their way through cracks, holes, or joints of the pipes and as they build up, they reduce the efficiency of the drain and eventually lead to a blocked drain Melbourne. When the drain blocks, water cannot pass through the drain and fills it up which can lead to flooding, damage to the property’s structure and wiring and in many cases affect the electrical appliances and connections.

Signs to Look Out For In blocked drain Melbourne

Blocked drain Melbourne is caused by many different things and you should call an expert if you spot any of the following signs.

– Bad smells and stench wafting through the building’s laundry, kitchen, or bathroom,
– The toilet that fills up continually and takes time for the water to rich the required level,
– Water filling up the shower and begins to retreat only after you leave the shower,
– An obvious overflow of water when you look outside.

When You Should Engage a Professional blocked drain Melbourne Cleaning Expert

When dealing with drain clearing and cleaning, consult a blocked drain Melbourne expert. It may appear like a simple and cheaper option to try and use your domestic high pressure jet or a length of piping to clear the drain, but without the knowledge of what is causing the blockage, prevention of more flooding, and cleaning the blocked drain Melbourne without causing further damage is much safer and cheaper in the long run. Therefore, an expert in blocked drain Melbourne with years of experience is what you need.

Nowadays, there are advanced blocked drain Melbourne cleaning options including the use of CCTV surveillance where a long and flexible cable with a camera is fitted at the end of the drain. When pushed further, the camera sends back images to a monitor to help the expert assess the condition of the drain and detect blockage. After the assessment, they will give you a comprehensive report of the blockage and recommend the best action to take based on the severity of the blockage.

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