Melbourne 24 Hour Plumbing

Blocked drain in Melbourne? Here’s what you need to know!

Are you facing a blocked drain? If so, it’s important to understand the potential damage and health hazards that can arise from a blocked drain. Not only can clogged drains cause extensive water damage to your property, but they can also present serious health risks. In this blog we’ll discuss what damage a blocked drain can do, the serious health hazard it presents, and simple DIY methods you can try to unblock your drain in Melbourne.

How can you identify a blocked drain?

If you suspect that you may have a blocked drain, there are several signs to look out for.

  1. Smell: You may start to notice a bad smell coming from your sinks or shower. This is usually caused by the buildup of decaying food and other organic matter in your pipes.
  1. Slow draining: If you notice that the water in your sink or shower is draining slowly, or not at all, this is another indication that you may have a blockage in your drain.
  1. Gurgling sounds: Gurgling sounds in your drain are an indicator that you have a clogged drain. The sound is because water is trying to slowly push against the drain.
  1. Overflowing: if you look down at your pipes and see that the water is backing up or pooling around the drain, then this is a sure sign of a blockage in your drainage system. If you are experiencing any of these issues, it’s important to address the issue as soon as possible to avoid further damage to your plumbing system.

What are the causes of a blocked drain?

  1. Damaged pipes: Your drainage pipes can break if they are hit by rocks or a hard object. When a pipe breaks, it is more susceptible to blockage than a well-kept pipe.
  1. Foreign objects: Items such as sanitary items, children’s toys, hair, or kitchen scraps can easily get stuck in the drain, causing blockages.
  1. Fats, oil, and grease: These liquids harden when cooled, adhering to the sides of the pipework, and creating blockages
  1. Greenery or vegetation: Leaves and other organic matter are easily washed away but can cause blockages when they become stuck in the pipe system. Tree roots that grow close to the house may also invade your drains, breaking them and blocking them up.
  2. Heavy storms and rain: During heavy rainfall, debris and foreign objects can be swept into the sewer network, leading to blocked drains. Also, soil movement during floods and heavy rains can damage underground pipes, leading to blockage.
  1. Improper Installation: If a drainage pipe has been installed incorrectly, this will increase its chances of becoming blocked. A professional plumber should always be called out to make sure the job is done properly.
  1. Pipe Corrosion: This occurs over time due to age and wear and tear on the pipes, making them brittle and prone to cracking which will eventually lead to clogging of the pipes.
  1. Soap Build-up: The chemical ingredients in soaps gradually build up inside your pipes, restricting water flow which leads to blocked drains.
  1. Poor Drain Maintenance: Drains require regular cleaning and inspection to avoid any problems. If not maintained properly over time they can become blocked with silt and debris leading to problems with water flow and eventually blocked drains.

What are the consequences of a blocked drain?

Blocked drains are a serious health hazard, with the potential to cause extensive damage and even pose a risk to human life. The most common consequences of blocked drains are overflowing sewage, the emergence of disease-causing bacteria and insects, flooding of areas around the home, structural damage to property, and bad odors.

The problem is further compounded when the blockage is deep in the pipes, as this increases the risk of overflow and flooding. Additionally, the build-up of water pressure caused by blocked drains can lead to burst pipes and additional flooding.

The presence of stagnant water also provides a breeding ground for bacteria and insects, such as mosquitos and flies. This can increase the risk of diseases such as malaria and dengue fever, while the bad odors that come with blocked drains can be unpleasant and cause discomfort in the home.

In extreme cases, blocked drains can cause even more severe damage, including contamination of drinking water supplies, foundation damage to homes and businesses, and a greater risk of fire if gas or other combustible materials are present.

Simple DIY methods to unblock a drain in Melbourne

  1. Use natural cleaners: You can use natural cleaners to form a fizzing effect that breaks down the gunk clogging your drains. To do this, mix baking soda with hot water and vinegar and pour it down the clogged drain and let it sit for 15 minutes before flushing it with hot water. Alternatively, you could mix one cup of salt with one cup of baking soda, and pour it down the drain, followed by boiling water. This will create a chemical reaction which should help break down the debris causing the blockage.
  1. Plungers: A plunger is an inexpensive tool available at most hardware stores and is often effective at dislodging stubborn blockages. Begin by filling the sink or tub with enough water to cover the plunger cup. Position the plunger so that it is completely submerged and then press down firmly on the handle several times. Repeat until you feel the blockage release. If you still have difficulty unblocking your drain, repeat with additional force.
  1. Caustic cleaners: Caustic cleaners are highly concentrated chemicals that are used to dissolve difficult blockages. These are available from most supermarkets and hardware stores but should be used with extreme caution as they can be very damaging to the skin and eyes if not used properly. It’s important to read all labels carefully, wear protective gloves and eyewear when using these products, and only use them as directed.

When should I call a professional to unblock my drain?

It is important to call a professional when it comes to dealing with a blocked drain in your Melbourne home. If the blockage is too deep to reach with a plunger or other DIY methods, then it is best to leave it to an experienced plumber. They will have the tools and skills to unblock the drain safely and correctly. Melbourne 24 Hour Plumbing” has the experience, knowledge, and the latest equipment to fix your blocked drains. We use High-Pressure Water Jetters and drain cameras to give your drains a thorough clean. You can call us on 1300 931 384 or visit our website for further information. 

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